You can help sustain Aster's critical health and human service programs for years to come through a planned gift. You can support our full mission or a specific program that resonates with you. Choose the best financial vehicle to fulfill you charitable goals, leaving a legacy of support for future generations.
Consult your financial adviser on any of the following planned giving vehicles:
Charitable Bequest
Name Aster Aging to receive all or a portion of your estate through your will or trust, reducing estate taxes while creating a charitable legacy.
Charitable Gift Annuity
You make a charitable gift, and you and/or someone you designate can receive lifetime income. The remainder goes to Aster Aging upon your passing, potentially reducing and deferring capital gains tax and reducing probate costs and estate taxes.
Charitable Trusts
A charitable lead trust or several types of charitable remainder trusts create valuable options in estate planning by providing tax savings, a significant gift, and income for either a charity or family members.
For more information or questions on planned giving, contact Dan at 480-219-3208 or